2019 is flying off the rails! This week I will complete another Autodesk course (Inventor 2019), and I am slated to graduate with over 100% credit - yes, I do extra work when I am excited about a subject.
I just registered for Human-Centered Design 201: Prototyping - a free course from +Acumen and IDEO.org on different methods for building prototypes. I will be meeting up tomorrow for the first session with some other design-minded folks in NW Portland. It looks like a lot of fun and it's hands on, so we'll get to tap into our creative sides! Join me at http://bit.ly/2pYtEbz.
I am also beginning to dive into Autodesk 3DS Max visual effects tutorials (I should have some content to post later) by the very awesome Allan McKay. This has been a great opportunity to push the limits of my latest workstation build (I’ll post more about that later).
I completed the Haribo Gummi Bears playmat (i.e., card games) for my friend Andy, and I am very pleased with the final result:
The print version is 24.5 x 14.5 inches. Made with Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Autodesk Fusion 360.
Rendering those bears took a few days on my old machine, but now I can crank out high quality ray-tracing in nearly real-time when leveraging AMD Pro Render. I am still learning to use the Autodesk suite of software, and it’s an awfully big world! Portland has finally started to thaw and it is tempting to spend more time outside, and offline, but I will try to get some more content uploaded soon. Cheers!